Bronx Zoo

Publié le par Tristan & Vanina

On Sunday we went to the Bronx Zoo. As his name said it is situated in the Bronx. It opened in 1899 and it was the first zoo who put the animals in natural environment instead of simple cages. There are more than 4000 animals in this zoo, it is really big. There is also the biggest artificial tropical forest of the world. It is called the « Congo Gorilla Forest » where there are lots of monkeys.

We really enjoyed to see the animals, but the zoo could be better maintained, sometimes we had the feeling that the park is neglected. The visit was pleasant but we didn’t see all the zoo because it’s too big and we haden’t enough time. It was great to walk in the nature. We didn’t see any buildings and we didn’t hear the noise of the city during all our visit. What a quiet afternoon! Here is some nice pictures :

loc. bronx zoo







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<br /> Hey Tristan and Vanina,<br /> When we will see your next article?<br /> See you soon<br /> Your dad<br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> <br /> Hello Daddy. These days I don't have enough time to write a new article becaue I've lots of things to do for the school and also lots of things to organize for your coming in New York.<br /> <br /> <br /> Talk to you soon.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> Coucou les enfants!<br /> Bon ben même si je n'aime pas les zoos, j'ose espérer que ces animaux sont bien traîtés. La girafe a une sacrée bobine...<br /> A la semaine prochaine...en vrais!!!!<br /> Becs<br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> <br /> Oui les animaux avait l'air plutot bien traites! Je savais que la giraffe te plairait.<br /> <br /> <br /> Gros bisous.<br /> <br /> <br /> A tout bientot!<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />